
Stay Safe at Work & Avoid Coronavirus Infections

Stay Safe at Work & Avoid Coronavirus Infections

"Workplaces or jobs that have little to no contact with the general public or others are at a relatively low risk of exposure from the virus" is the sentiment. Do you know to follow the 4 layered protections essential for mitigating Coronavirus? Disinfecting and frequently washing your hands is a good start, says experts in the field of germs. Failing to do so will surely have a stigma associated with such actions. Read this page and get with the program.
Tradies Make 60% of Serious Injury Claims In Australia

Tradies Make 60% of Serious Injury Claims In Australia

Accidents can and do happen. In the worst cases this results in serious injury or death. Apart for motor accidents the leading causes of death while working are fall/slips and trips, being struck by objects or equipment, and exposure to harmful chemicals.Things have slowed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but this will not be a permanent (we hope) and things will come back to normal levels. The sooner we're back at work the sooner people will be at risk of a workplace incident. Tradies constitute 30% of the total workforce across all industries but they account for 58% of serious claims.
Workplace Exposure Standard Halved For Australian Workplaces; Is Your Workplace Safe And Complaint?

Workplace Exposure Standard Halved For Australian Workplaces; Is Your Workplace Safe And Complaint?

The laws, rules and regulations pertaining to Australian workplaces keep changing every now and then. These are done keeping in mind the overall health, safety and well-being of the employees and other stakeholders. At the same time, the rules and laws are often framed and modified from time to time in such a way that […]
Is Asbestos Still A Problem In Australia?

Is Asbestos Still A Problem In Australia?

  Though the use of asbestos has been banned in Australia still it is a persisting problem for its residents. The residents of Australia are still at risk of mesothelioma because of the presence of asbestos in the old commercial and residential buildings constructed across the nation. It becomes more dangerous when an old building […]
Tomato farm fined $30,000 over workplace injury

Tomato farm fined $30,000 over workplace injury

There is a case in Pennsylvania that demands attention. On Dec. 10, 2017, Darren Moore and his wife, Jocelyn Moore, were working in the early morning hours of an icy field in Ohio County, southwestern Pennsylvania. Their employer, Ryan Farm, was hauling several hundred tons of tomato greens in tractor trailers. An incident occurred, and […]
Over 25 companies investigated by for COVID-19 policy breaches

Over 25 companies investigated by for COVID-19 policy breaches

For those who worry about dodgy big companies, our source in the Treasury, from the Office of the Controller of the Currency, has some startling news.   The agency is conducting a second investigation of 25 companies, 10 from the energy sector, and as its name suggests, seeking to make sure companies comply with a […]
Recent updates to the Australian Immunisation Register

Recent updates to the Australian Immunisation Register

We have made some improvements to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). These changes improve functionality for vaccination providers and make it easier for people to stay up to date with their immunisations. ...
Have your say on health and medical research priorities

Have your say on health and medical research priorities

The Australian Medical Research Advisory Board is seeking comments through online submissions and public webinars. ...